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Mission + Vision.

To create community homes in vulnerable sectors, with the purpose of fomenting education, health, sports, art, and faith.

Develop leaders to create autonomous systems that will allow the work and service to continue to be carried. This way the service and the social help/support to the vulnerable communities will continue to improve their quality of life.







We work in a respectful and responsible manner, accomplishing our goals and objectives for the community’s development.


We create relationships based on tolerance, justice, and empathy.

We are sensible to the needs of our neighbours, and we act with effectiveness, promptness, and enthusiasm to service others.


To build community homes in vulnerable sectors that work as help centers and community development.


To form responsible, disciplined, and persistent humans with the vision of a better future.


To teach the families Christian principles, and foment the community’s unity through several creative activities.


Reinforce the academic education from kindergarten to high-school, providing in this way better tools for their future.


Impulse art and sports to create the opportunity for different skills development. This will provide a more wholistic human development.


To care for the community’s health through primary medical attention and health education.

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